Call Knut

Call Knut

Description of the structure

Call Knut is a service that calls elderly persons to make sure that they are okay.

The platform is aimed at municipalities and they can through a interface decide if the service shall ask a set amount of questions, perhaps remind the elderly person to take their medicine, or just call to make conversation about current events and the weather.

The service is easy to use for the elder person since it does not require any new technology, it is an incoming phone call.

Targeted Challenge(s)

Expertise(s) of my company

Our platform can be tailored to ask many different types of questions. We can also remind based on external triggers. Our platform and service is real-time and simple to use for the elderly since it is a phone call and doesn’t need any new apps or devices on that end.


Areas of cooperation sought

We think it would be interesting to find hardware partners where we can show the benefit of for example alarms from a medical dispenser and calling the elderly to remind them to take their medication. As one example.


Structure type

Adress of the Headquarter

Färjemansgatan 32, 254 40 Helsingborg





Viktor Björk
