Faculty of Dental Medicine – Universidade de Lisboa

Faculty of Dental Medicine – Universidade de Lisboa

Description of the structure

We are a public faculty with diverse pre and post-graduate programs in Dental Medicine, Dental Hygiene and Dental Technology. Every year more than 20,000 appointments, generating a considerable database on oral diseases and therapeutical interventions from various types of patients and pathologies. We also have an integrated research unit with experience and focus in biomaterial, regenerative dentistry, host-pathogen interactions in the mouth along with translational research with clinical data

Targeted Challenge(s)

Expertise(s) of my company

We can bring facilities and resources for clinical trial implementation in an academic setting. We can also perform testing of prototypes at basic (in vitro): mechanical, biological (monolayer and organoid cell culture) and pre-clinical levels (animal models) and provide consultancy in prototype development and improvement. We have a large expertise in conduction this kind of research for biomaterial testing. We also have a clinical setting with advanced education students were prototypes of clinical innovations and therapies can be developed and tested. We are particularly interested in biomaterial testing, robotics for dental and oro facial surgery, liquid biopsy diagnosis, advanced diagnosis devices with interest for oral and systemic health.


Areas of cooperation sought

We seek for partners with medical devices or equipments or technology that need our expertise and independence for tests and consultancy. We are particularly interested in biomaterial testing, robotics for dental and oro facial surgery, liquid biopsy diagnosis, advanced diagnosis devices with interest for oral and systemic health.


Structure type

Adress of the Headquarter

Rua Professora Teresa Ambrósio, 1600-277 Lisboa





Joana Marques

Assistant professor/researcher