Hestia Agora

Hestia Agora

Description of the structure

Hestia Agora is a startup in health tech. Our vision is that everyone should have a healthy ageing. We offer public and private elderly care providers digital solutions that facilitates decisions about the usage of preventive measures to avoid future sickness and thereby increase quality of life at the same time as saving money due to less care costs for illness. We offer an analytical platform, app for early identification and follow up of quality of life and a tool for teamwork.

Targeted Challenge(s)

Expertise(s) of my company

We bring in knowledge about:
The elderly health care in Sweden, preventive measures, consequences of illness ie falls, malnutrition, pressure wounds, oral health, mental health,
Network/contacts of Municipalities
Management, corporate finance, economics
App development Swift, Kotlin, IOS, Android, SwiftUI
Design, UX/UI, Figma, WordPress
Full stack software development, Python, Java, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, React, Node,


Areas of cooperation sought

Companies that work within elderly health care with, for example, support and knowledge to elderly care within diet, food and meals, physiotherapy, training and other preventive measures that benefits form cooperating with Hestia Agora to calculate and follow up the effect of the preventive measures in terms of quality of life and costs. Also look for partners for further development within med tech, remote monitoring and AI


Structure type

Adress of the Headquarter

Medeon Science Park 205 12 MALMÖ





Per Simonsson
