ReCheck BV

ReCheck BV

Description of the structure

ReCheck BV develops solutions in the field of information security, private data sharing and traceability. The company implemented projects for the European Commission and the Dutch Government and is a Techstars alumnus. The company’s latest product is DataPond – a platform for connecting data with AI agents to generate chatbots and insights based on the content feeding the AI.

Targeted Challenge(s)

Expertise(s) of my company

DataPond is a platform for connecting data with AI agents to generate chatbots and insights based on the content feeding the AI. DataPond makes the AI explainable, transparent and reliable since it references the data sources used by AI to generate results. Furthermore, the solution offers precise statistics regarding data usage by AI and protects the content against leaks and breaches. DataPond is useful for generating insights based on responses to questionnaires, patient data, archives with documents, etc. The chatbots can be trained to serve as self-diagnostic tools, to provide answers to health-related questions, or to identify risk factors.


Areas of cooperation sought

We look for partners looking for solutions to leverage AI in safe, transparent and efficient ways to extract insights from their information. We can add value by providing tools for applying human-centric AI to analyze and monitor data records. Furthermore, we can add context, fine-tune the language models and improve the correctness of the answers based on guidelines an desired outputs.


Structure type

Adress of the Headquarter

Smedestraat 2, 6411 CR Heerlen, The Netherlands





Emiliyan Enev